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Black League Prince / Princess
Preparation of equipment
Short turns with pole planting on an difficult slope
Jumps: straight and fifty/fifty over box
Parallel turns off-piste
Carved parallel turns on a wide, easy slope
Academy Ski
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Turns Race parallel turns
Turns Race short turns
Turns Carved turn variations (at least 1) Short turn variations (at least 1)
Turns Racing technique in a set course
Airs Tuck jump
Race Training / Race (at least 1): - Giant slalom - Slalom
Behaviour in the snowpark
Turns Parallel turn«Switch»
Airs Straight Air with grap (at least 2 different jumps)
Airs Air Trick Spins (180° oder 360°)
Tricks Slope tricks 180° and swedish 180°
Box/Rail Rotation on box or rail
Freestyle (at least 1 discipline) - Pipe Basic Run - Quarterpipe - Skicross
Safety, avalanches and weather forecast
Safety - Using an Avalanche transceiver - Reading an avalanche report - Choosing lines and stopping places
Turns Parallel turns «off-piste» with variations of the radius